The idea of The Forest Solution is to create true additional climate benefits
The Forest Solution was founded in 2019 by Erik Nillius and partners. Together they wanted to make a difference mitigating climate change using a tool where forests are an important part. The wanted to create a “true” Carbon Offset/Removal project in Sweden and in the nordics.
2020 was devoted to creating a methodology based on the requirements of all established standards on how Carbon removal/Climate offsetting projects are structured (additionality, permanence, measurability, verifiability and contributes to sustainable development). In this year we also got our first customers.
During 2022 and 2021, we gained new partners in the real estate company K2A and PTEH AB, where Heidi Andersson and Björn Ferry are the owners. We all want to make a difference in the transition helping us all to be able reaching the goals of the Paris Agreement and reduce climate change.
In recent years, the market for carbon credits has been widely discussed and the regulations of the future have increasingly begun to become visible. However, it is still a living process and it has taken time to create regulations.
Since the start, The Forest Solution has had the highest ambitions to demonstrate the climate benefit with the carbon removal service and our Swedish carbon credits. During 2023 we will strengthening this work through one of the established certificates.
The ambition of The Forest Solution is simply to help mitigating climate change without jeopardizing biodiversity or other important goals!
Erik Nillius, CEO and Founder of The Forest Solution

”The simple idea was to make it happen…
…what otherwise would not. And make a massive impact mitigating climate change!”
Erik Nillius
Year CO2 Content in atmosphere Event
1967 322.5* PPM Erik born in february
1978 334.4 PPM Björn born in august
1981 340.5 PPM Heidi born in february
2018 405.7 PPM An idea hatches in september
2019 408.7 PPM The Forest Solution starts in Falun in october
Owners: Going For One AB, Svipdag AB,
Peder Oxhammar
2020 414.7 PPM The Forest Solutions first customers in mars
2020 411.5 PPM First measure that sequesters 5 453,8 tonnes CO2
2020 413.1 PPM November ISO 14064:2 validation by DNV
2021 417.6 PPM New partner in april PTEH AB
2022 417.3 PPM New partner in augusti K2A
2023 420.3 PPM February:
We are planning this years season where our measure is conducted in Hälsinglandwhere we will be spreading nutrients on additional managed forest stands of private landowners.
*all CO2-values (monthly average) fromMauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii

From now on and until the year 2045, our goal is to annually increase the sequestration by 2-3 million tonnes of CO2e in the Swedish forest

More About the background of founding The Forest Solution and the years before 2023
It was on a forest bikeride in the autumn of 2018 i got this idea of The Forest Solution. It “hit” me that there was a measure, not being done, that would a massive impact sequestration CO2 if I could make it happen! I hade been working for 20 years with sustainable forestry and aspecial interest in considerations to more valuable forest in terms of biodiversity.
As a biologist and forester, trained at Lund University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), and a long term intererst in energy, environement and sustainability it was easy to understand that the forest, as a natural solar collector, makes a difference by converting the sun’s energy into various utilities. For several years I had also heard that researchers, the UN climate panel IPCC and others pointed out the forest as an important part of a future sustainable society.
My idea came from the insight that we could increase the sequestration of carbon dioxide by adding the nutrient nitrogen to middle-aged, well-managed production forests. The measure is not done today because it is not economically profitable in the forestry. From a climate change perspective, however, it is a completely different matter!
Co-owners and ambassadors are the Armwrestler world champion from Ensamheten, Heidi Andersson and the former Olympic biathlon champion Björn Ferry. Well known for their commitment in the transition to a fossil-free life. In 2015, they asked each other if they should try to become Fossil-Free within ten years. The answer: Of course, we´ll try! Since then, they have made a transition and turned their lives around in a sustainable direction. They have created and led the TV-programs like Storuman forever and Miljöhjältarna for several seasons and have been frequently hired as inspirers and ambassadors for a fossil-free future. Heidi och Björn owns 1000 hectars of forest. Björn makes research on birds and Heidi is a honorary doctor of forestry at SLU. Heidi and Björn have a lot of experience on climate, sustainability, nature conservation, forests and forestry. They will also partly be working in the company.
K2A is the green property company where people, the environment and sustainability are in focus. K2A builds rental properties in wood and manages properties with the highest sustainability ambitions. CEO Johan Knausst was awarded Sustainable leadership 2022 by Nätverket för hållbart Näringsliv.
Reinvestment for the climate
When The Forest Solution produces a financial surplus, part of the profit will be reinvested in measures that promote the climate and would otherwise not have been done. We want to do this reversal based on a broad perspective on sustainability.